“Hello, UDH Health Coach Listeners. In our efforts to make sure we bring you the best program possible, we are conducting a few surveys to help evaluate and improve our program. This is your chance to give us feedback.
Surveys can be completed from the link below, either on your phone, on your tablet, or on a computer. All responses are completely anonymous and no information will be collected which could violate your privacy. These surveys are for our internal use only, and responses will not be publicly available.
UDH is largely focused on the health needs of the Haitian communities and our listeners in general. Please take a few minutes to share some thoughts on what you think are the biggest health needs in your life and your community, or topics you simply think UDH Health Coach should cover. This survey can be found at the following link: https://tufts.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Q0n70SbCekPnXD.
Please share this with anyone you think might be interested
This survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes, and we greatly appreciate your feedback.
Thank you for your support.”