Immigrants new to the U.S. face a ton of issues. Some of us are lucky enough to receive help with those issues. For my part, I’m hoping to help you with the medical side specifically. Today I want to talk about the American healthcare system, which includes nurses, psychologists, etc. The main difference between Haiti… Continue reading Immigrant’s Guide to the U.S. Healthcare System
Category: education
Welcome to immigrants to the US medical/culture
How to adapt to your new life as a migrant in the U.S. Presented By Christian Massillon, psychologist and lawyer. He spent three months at the Cambridge Health Alliance hospital doing an observership, where he learned a lot. Now, in Haiti, he’ll share his perspectives on adapting as a migrant. “Adapting to a new culture… Continue reading Welcome to immigrants to the US medical/culture
Immigrant’s Guide to the U.S. Healthcare System Immigrants new to the U.S. face a ton of issues. Some of us are lucky enough toreceive help with those issues. For my part, I’m hoping to help you with the medical sidespecifically. Today, I want to talk about the American healthcare system, which includesnurses, psychologists etc. The… Continue reading UDH_HC KWEN SANTE!!! DID YOU KNOW!!!
Une page dans l’histoire de la vie de l’institutrice Lyna JEAN BAPTISTE.
Par son neveu Colbert Bien aimé Fils. Lyna Jean Baptiste travailla comme institutrice d’abord à l’école congréganistes des sœurs du Sacré cœur de Turgeau à Port-au-Prince, ensuite à l’école public Simone Ovide Duvalier, et à l’école des sœurs à Cabaret. Elle enseigna avec beaucoup de patience, cette grande patience lui avait permis d’éduquer et… Continue reading Une page dans l’histoire de la vie de l’institutrice Lyna JEAN BAPTISTE.
Faculty of Nursing Sciences UNDH (P-AU-P)
Faculty of Nursing Sciences UNDH (P-AU-P) On behalf of the entire team of the Faculty of Nursing Sciences of the University Notre Dame Haiti, I thank the entire UDH Health Coach Team and can’t emphasize enough how important this was for our Nurse Teachers. Thank you Mr. Alix Siméon for this training which the UNDH… Continue reading Faculty of Nursing Sciences UNDH (P-AU-P)
Brianna Bolivar
My name is Brianna Bolivar and it is my pleasure to be working closely with UDH_HC team, specifically with the evaluation team. I am a recent graduate of the University of Massachusetts class of 2022. I obtained my Bachelor’s of Science degree in Public Health and Health Sciences and currently work as a project manager, specializing in… Continue reading Brianna Bolivar