Immigrant’s Guide to the U.S. Healthcare System Immigrants new to the U.S. face a ton of issues. Some of us are lucky enough toreceive help with those issues. For my part, I’m hoping to help you with the medical sidespecifically. Today, I want to talk about the American healthcare system, which includesnurses, psychologists etc. The… Continue reading UDH_HC KWEN SANTE!!! DID YOU KNOW!!!
Category: Events
Une page dans l’histoire de la vie de l’institutrice Lyna JEAN BAPTISTE.
Par son neveu Colbert Bien aimé Fils. Lyna Jean Baptiste travailla comme institutrice d’abord à l’école congréganistes des sœurs du Sacré cœur de Turgeau à Port-au-Prince, ensuite à l’école public Simone Ovide Duvalier, et à l’école des sœurs à Cabaret. Elle enseigna avec beaucoup de patience, cette grande patience lui avait permis d’éduquer et… Continue reading Une page dans l’histoire de la vie de l’institutrice Lyna JEAN BAPTISTE.
A snippet of the life of Lyna Jean-Baptiste
By her nephew Colbert Bien-Aimé fils Lyna Jean-Baptiste worked as a teacher, first at the catholic school : “Sacré Coeur de Turgeau” in Port-au-Prince, then at the public school Simone Ovide Duvalier and at the Sisters school of Cabaret. She taught with great patience which helped her educate and shape thousands of children in Port-au-Prince as… Continue reading A snippet of the life of Lyna Jean-Baptiste
UDH Health Coach (UDHHC) is proud to announce the grand opening of the Lyna Jean-Baptiste Foundation. In partnership with UDHHC, this new foundation will better serve the Haitian students pursuing their degrees in Haiti while the vision remains the same. Lyna Jean-Baptiste’s foundation is established in the municipality of Port-au-Prince, 6 Avenue Faustin premier Turgeau… Continue reading LET’S COMMEMORATE THE LIFE OF LYNA JEAN-BAPTISTE.!!!
Faculty of Nursing Sciences UNDH (P-AU-P)
Faculty of Nursing Sciences UNDH (P-AU-P) On behalf of the entire team of the Faculty of Nursing Sciences of the University Notre Dame Haiti, I thank the entire UDH Health Coach Team and can’t emphasize enough how important this was for our Nurse Teachers. Thank you Mr. Alix Siméon for this training which the UNDH… Continue reading Faculty of Nursing Sciences UNDH (P-AU-P)
Jackets/Cardigan and Head Wraps
Any Generous Donations Amount of $ 75.00 and Up. You will be rewarded for the fall season 2020 with a nice two pieces of Cardigan and Head as a thank you for your contributions! African/Haitian Print Women’s Hand Sewn ¾ Sleeve Open Front Kimono Jackets/Cardigan and Head Wraps by MLJB. Package includes: 1 coat and… Continue reading Jackets/Cardigan and Head Wraps