Welcome to immigrants to the US medical/culture 

How to adapt to your new life as a migrant in the U.S. Presented By Christian Massillon, psychologist and lawyer. He spent three months at the Cambridge Health Alliance hospital doing an observership, where he learned a lot. Now, in Haiti, he’ll share his perspectives on adapting as a migrant. “Adapting to a new culture… Continue reading Welcome to immigrants to the US medical/culture 

Une page dans l’histoire de la vie de l’institutrice Lyna JEAN BAPTISTE.

   Par son neveu Colbert Bien aimé Fils. Lyna Jean Baptiste travailla comme institutrice d’abord à l’école congréganistes des sœurs du Sacré cœur de Turgeau à Port-au-Prince, ensuite à l’école public Simone Ovide Duvalier, et à l’école des sœurs à Cabaret. Elle enseigna avec beaucoup de patience, cette grande patience lui avait permis d’éduquer et… Continue reading Une page dans l’histoire de la vie de l’institutrice Lyna JEAN BAPTISTE.


UDH Services, Inc. is pleased to announce that it will be hosting its 6th Annual Fundraiser!!!!! Save The Date!!!! April 6th, 2019 from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm Universities of Haiti (UDH) invites you to our sixth annual fundraiser to benefit our radio broadcast “Health Education” on WNTN 1550 AM every Saturday 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM.… Continue reading SaveDateUDH2019Fundraiser


UPCOMING HAITIAN CREOLE COURSES For Grade Level: 7 Thru Grade Level: 12 Objective: To provide anyone interested in Haitian language and culture the opportunity to learn Haitian Creole through listening, reading, writing and speaking. To develop sensitivity to Haitian culture, customs and history through Haitian Creole literature. Schedule: Course will begin on Saturday September 29, 2018… Continue reading UPCOMING HAITIAN CREOLE COURSES

UDH Health Coach Survey 3

“Hello, UDH Health Coach Listeners. In our efforts to make sure we bring you the best program possible, we are conducting a few surveys to help evaluate and improve our program. This is your chance to give us feedback. Surveys can be completed from the link below, either on your phone, on your tablet, or… Continue reading UDH Health Coach Survey 3