UDH Health Coach Survey 2

UDH Health Coach Survey 2 “Hello, UDH Health Coach Listeners. In our efforts to make sure we bring you the best program possible, we are conducting a few surveys to help evaluate and improve our program. This is your chance to give us feedback. Surveys can be completed from the link below, either on your… Continue reading UDH Health Coach Survey 2

!!! Barbecue Fundraising For Lyna Jean-Baptiste Educational Fund!!! .

Dear Friends, Neighbors, and Colleagues, Thank you for your continued support for UDH HEALTH Coach. We raised $1,660.00. Your generous donations will help the organization fulfill its obligations. We cherish your attendance at our event and are looking forward to seeing you again at future events. UDHHC is a non-profit organization that strives to promote education and reaches out to… Continue reading !!! Barbecue Fundraising For Lyna Jean-Baptiste Educational Fund!!! .